Well we didn't build a pyramid, just 40 yards of retaining wall. Let me tell you, I will never look at a rock or pebble the same way again. Ella laspi! So, we wrapped up our latest, survivor Peliti, and finally got kicked off the island. Not too bad as our friends have offered to show us around Thessaloniki for a couple days before heading off to the beach community of Posidi for some R&R on the Med. This will be a welcome reward as we have worked really hard in Mesohori. The strawbale building didnt see a single bale this season, but the plans are beautiful, oreos, and it will be stunning when finally done.
We will be leaving the Schengen area on September 4 and starting out in Bulgaria for two months. Here we will most likely start out staying in a caravan and then possibly moving into a small house.
We have downsized again! The blue roll luggage that lost a wheel is now a dead soldier, and his guts are full of more junk we can live without. Now we are down to one large roll luggage and four backpacks. I'm tellin ya, by the time we get back it may just be the clothes on our backs and a crazed look in our eyes that we have.
The boys are great and having so much fun, learning Greek, playing chess, (thanks Josh!), and scrapping about looking for food with the local dog pack. I have found the Greeks to be generous beyond measure as well as hot blooded and very good natured. Just beware the Cretian masons! Much love to all back in PDX and to all the great new friends we have made so far. The experience has been wonderful, and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.
A big huge happy birthday to my wonderful grandma!
Until next time, Yamas!
Hey guys, here are some more photos, SFW of course, nudge nudge wink wink: http://www.flickr.com/photos/harleypeddie